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  1. #1
    barbara laura Guest

    Default camping road trip to canada from michigan

    we would like to take pop-up camper from our home in new boston, michigan and head for canada. the only areas we know about are prince edward island (i always wanted to see the location of the book "anne of green gables") . we thought we might like to see Peggy's cove, halifax and quebec city(for the churches). we have already visited Toronto. If there are any really nice places that you can suggest,please let us know. We are in our fifties and I am limited to a moderate amount of walking. any info would be greatly appreciated. this trip can be up to a month long.

  2. #2
    Kat Gibb Guest


    The Eastern townships of Quebec are very beautiful. Rolling mountain ranges and beautiful small towns, just East of Montreal

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default suggestions

    I agree, the Eastern Townships are magnificient, for a taste of Loyalist architecture and antiques don't miss Knowlton (Lac Brome) exit 90 off Highway 10 and North Hatley (take the 55S off Highway 10 and follow directions). If you like beautiful small villages with nice sceneries : Mystic (route 235)(try L'Oeuf's chocolates you won't regret it), Stanbridge East, Dunham (route 202), Frelighsburg (route 213), Sutton and Abercorn (route 139) and Glen Sutton. There are a lot of safe camping opportunities in these areas(Provincial parks (Mont Orford/Parc de la Yamaska/etc)other parks (Sutton, Frelighsburg), rural roads, rest stops along secondary roads). Don't be afraid of parking in little dusty roads for the night it's a very safe area (mostly elderly people). For services : Granby and Sherbrooke are the major cities in the area.

    You could also visit the Gaspésie area which is not so far from PEI, Percé is gorgeous, there's only one route (132 east on both sides)and it follows the coast all around the Peninsula. You can also take the ferry in Matane to the other side of the St. Lawrence River to Godbout or Baie Comeau and head to the Mingan Islands (read "endless driving in Quebec" in the Fall/Winter section of the forum).

    Quebec is definetly a must see, you'll enjoy the French Heritage, architecture, food and, of course, language. You can go visit the inside of the "Fortifications", just hang out in Little Champlain (Old Quebec) or have a chat with locals, they're really nice (hellos and smiles all the time). KEEP OUT of souvenirs shops, they're tourst traps filled with obsolete and stupid objects to satisfy the European tourists who want to see "real indians" with feathers doing traditionnal dances in an igloo (whitout electrity) which is heated by a huge buck or stuff like that, unless you like useless (and ugly) arts and crafts. There are a lot of bistros, restaurants and entertainment. If you like jazz music I would suggest the Clarendon Hotel which is located just in front of the Basilique Notre-Dame, if you like Italian cuisine : Rivoli on Grande Allée has a great atmosphere (romantic), food and service, French cuisine : Parmesan ($$$), bohemian style : les Salons d'Edgar, Lounge : le Maurice/Charlotte, for delicious pancakes : La crêperie bretonne on St. Jean. If you're broke, just take a walk around Château Frontenac, the Terrasse Dufferin (pronounce Dew-fer-en), go all the way to the end of the terrasse, take the stairs it will lead you to the Plaines d'Abraham, a very nice park where the famous battle between England and France took place (Wolfe vs Montcalm) a few centuries ago. There are also Museums in that area, just ask around.

    Have a nice trip!

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