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  1. #1
    Sheryl Aitken Guest


    We are driving from Florida to Cape Cod this spring (please no answers after mid-April 2004). Our first leg will be to visit friends in Virginia then we will drive west to I-81 and north on 81 to Harrisburg then east to Allentown (PA) then north into NY. What we are trying to do is avoid as many big traffic areas (like NY City & Wash DC) as possible. So if you have any hints, please let me know. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Why no big cities?

    Sheryl, You and Neil are both accomplished road trippers, by know I would think you would be nearly immune to heavy traffic concerns. Your planned route will hit traffic in several places -- unless you want to take the extra time this route will cause, I think you could put on pleasant tunes and forge ahead with the all the rest of the traffic.


  3. #3

    Default Roads

    I-78 E to I-287 (Tappan Zee isn't too bad) to Merritt Parkway...exit 54 onto I-95 N into RI, exit 3 onto RI 138 E to RI 114 N then Rt 24 to I-195 to MA 25 then over to the Cape.

    This is probably the most direct situation I can think of, but the NYC area may have some delays (though nothing is worse around here than the Cross Bronx "expressway" parking lot... five miles an hour).

    Most of the other options will add more time than they will save. As with any trip, time of day and day of week will play a large factor.

    Where are you getting onto I-81 in VA?

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