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  1. #1
    Mark Wardle Guest

    Default Vegas to Yosemite to San Francisco to LA

    My girlfriend and I are coming over to America towards the end of June and we are planning to visit Los Vegas, Yosemite, San Francisco and LA in that order. We're going to drive between destinations and want to see some sights along the way, for example Death Valley on the way to Yosemite and Highway 1 on the way from San Francisco to LA. We've allowed ourselves 1 day for each of the journeys along with some time in each place but I've starting to think if we've been a bit ambitious with our journey times. Does anyone know how long it takes to take a leisurely sight seeing drive between the destinations?


  2. #2

    Default OK

    One day on each of these legs is not unreasonable. I would set aside one or two additional days so you have some time to play with if you get distracted (and hopefully you will). These are very scenic and beautiful areas that you may find you want to slow down a little and explore as you pass through. Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Driving times


    I would split the Las Vegas to Yosemite journey into two days to let you see more of the sights (Death Valley and the Tioga Pass in Yosemite) in a leasurely way.

    I would also split the San Fran to LA drive into two for the same reasons.


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