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  1. #1
    Mikael Guest

    Default Swedes planning may-june roadtrip: Motels and policy

    This May 2nd me and 3 friends are embarking in a 2 month roadtrip from LA to NY. We are somewhat limited in our funds to the tone of $4000 USD per person for the 2 months so we're going to try to cut costs where we can.

    I had a clever idea that we would rent motelrooms and then just sleep on sofas/floor using inflatable matresses, thus cutting livingcosts by a good bit. Will we be shot for this behaviour or will we get away with it? :D

    I was also wondering wether someone in the Los Angeles area can suggest an insurance company with fair auto-insurance prices, as we're most likely buying rather than renting.

  2. #2

    Default If you mean...

    If you intend to tell the inn keeper there is only one person, and then sneak the others into the room, that's unlawful most everyplace and certainly it is frowned upon. At minimum, you'd all be thrown out with loss of your money (if caught). In some places, you might be arrested and charged with a crime (as foreign citizens, that can get you immediately thrown out of the country as well). Could you get away with it? Maybe, but there's no need to take the risk.

    If you are all paying an equal share for the rooms, your stated budget will allow you to spend quite a few nights in cheaper motels (available most everywhere), when you combine that with camping and other options (hostels, for example).

  3. #3
    imported_LAURA Guest


    &gt; If you intend to tell the inn keeper there is <BR>
    &gt; only one person, and then sneak the others into <BR>
    &gt; the room, that's unlawful most everyplace and <BR>
    &gt; certainly it is frowned upon. At minimum, you'd <BR>
    &gt; all be thrown out with loss of your money (if <BR>
    &gt; caught). In some places, you might be arrested <BR>
    &gt; and charged with a crime (as foreign citizens, <BR>
    &gt; that can get you immediately thrown out of the <BR>
    &gt; country as well). Could you get away with it? <BR>
    &gt; Maybe, but there's no need to take the risk. <BR>
    &gt; If you are all paying an equal share for the <BR>
    &gt; rooms, your stated budget will allow you to spend <BR>
    &gt; quite a few nights in cheaper motels (available <BR>
    &gt; most everywhere), when you combine that with <BR>
    &gt; camping and other options (hostels, for example). <BR>
    My expierence is the cost not much more, if any at all, between 1 and 2 people. I personally would not want to risk it. There might be a higher cost for 2 double beds as opposed to one king.


  4. #4
    imported_LAURA Guest


    My expierence is the cost not much more, if any at all, between 1 and 2 people. I personally would not want to risk it. There might be a higher cost for 2 double beds as opposed to one king.


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