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Thread: "PAYBACK"

  1. #1

    Default "PAYBACK" "Pay it Forward" Call it what you like!

    Christmas morning, 1996, my birthday, I was on I-8 near Japutal on my up the mountain in my SAR rig pulling my heavy work trailer, when, suddenly there was a LOUD banging-grinding and I dramatically lost power -- [ I initally thought my engine had blown ] As I moved to the right shoulder a hubcap came flying by like a frizbee on my left [ my first indication of BLOWOUT!]

    As I came to a smoking-grinding halt I was envisioning the the difficult and time consuming job ahead of changing the tire [ takes 2 jacks due to the trailers weight and body style ] and accessing the spare [ stored under trailers rear body like a pickup ]

    I first hiked up the road a piece to retrieve the flying hubcap, and then, as I walked back to the rig, I noticed a 70s model Chevy pickup had pulled up behind it.

    Fella got out, introduced himself, helped me change blown tire, MUCH easier w his help! When I asked how much I owed for his assistance he LAUGHED!!

    Turned out 9 YEARS previously, on the mountain, in a snowstorm, in his family car WITH his family, HE had been out of gas and I had stopped and given him some!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Very cool

    Very cool story. Thanks for sharing. This has put a smile on my face!

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