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Thread: LA to Vegas

  1. #1
    markothebeast Guest

    Default LA to Vegas

    looking for a better location than Barstow to meet my girlfriend. She's in Vegas, I'm in LA. We'll only have 1 day. Leaving mid February. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A better location for what?

    There is a lot of cool stuff to do in Barstow, but are you looking for another rendevouz place or???

  3. #3
    markothebeast Guest

    Default Barstow et al

    Barstow would be fine, location-wise. I've just never seen any part of Barstow that doesn't look like a big ugly truckstop. If there's an actual town with a cool old inn, a friendly saloon, and no view of the freeway, I'm all ears.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Barstow is Prime Route 66 territory

    Main Street is quite a ways from I-15 and is dotted with 1920's style mom-and-pop motels. I haven't stayed at any of these establishments yet (but plan to for the research on the "Road to Vegas" book later in the year) but most of these places are sub-$30 -- I can only remember the name of one of them -- Route 66 Motel often has classic cars parked outside.

    However, there is a classic resturant and bar located on the old Highway 58 that you is quite the destination for lunch and dinner: Idle Spurs.

    Two other stops I would suggest -- Mojave River Valley Museum (a collection of local books you won't find anywhere else) and the fantastic car sculptures created by Greg Parker (just a little ways east of the Idle Spurs on E. Higway 58 -- A-1 Towing)

    The Early Man Archaeological Site just beyond Calico is fantastic and if you like western shot-em-up corniness -- you would probably enjoy wandering around Calico a bit.

    Hope this helps.


  5. #5
    imported_Kevin Guest


    I visited Calico in April 2002. It's a hoot.

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