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  1. #1
    imported_Shannon Guest

    Default sleeping at truck stops

    On previous trips I have stayed at hotels and hostels, but after reading many of the threads on this website I have heard several people mention truck stops. I don't know if they were referring to sleeping in cars or if there are actually places to sleep at there. Is it possible to stay overnight at truck stops? and what would the costs be? Thanks.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Sleeping in vehicles

    There are lounges for professional drivers, but the rest of us need to have a vehicle to sleep in. With rare exception, there is no fee for parking over-night at truck stops.

  3. #3
    imported_Robert Guest

    Default sleeping

    A truck stop is a pretty safe place to rest and sleep. It's certainly better than stopping along side the road or some of the cheaper motels that are on the interestates. They have showers for a fee, although they're set up for professional drivers, if you told them you wanted to sleep and shower, I'm sure they'd let you.
    I used to drive professionally, and always found them to be clean and safe.
    Happy driving.

  4. Default How Interesting

    I am hopeful to be getting a new job which is 75 miles away from home. Much too far to drive but my Wife has agreed that I can spend two nights a week away from home.

    Which then brings up the question of where to stay?

    This morning I pulled out the rear seat back of my (don't laugh) Dodge Neon just to see if sleeping in there was possible.

    Its not only possible its downright comfy! I just need to build a free standing shelf to support my shoulder/head in front of the rear seat cusion. Other than that its an almost flat 6 ft long suface from the back of the rear Pax seat to the back of the trunk. Space saver spare just has to be dropped in front of the front pax seat.

    Throw a thin mattress, sleeping bag and a tarp over the back of the front seats to rear window shelf to keep out the light and voila I'm set.

    So right round the corner is Jubitz truck stop and I'm planning Tuesday and Thursday nights, purchase fuel once a week..Otherwise I intend to be very discreet.

    Sounds like an adventure to me..:)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Melbourne, Australia


    Good on you. You sound like you might have a great little set up there. Just be sure that the truck stop / travel plaza you plan to use welcomes RVs. Not all do. They usually have a spot set aside for RV parking. Go and park in with them, and you will find you will not be disturbed. By all means, let reception know you are staying overnight. Showers can cost anything between $5 and $15. Breakfast in their restaurant in the morning, and you are set to go.

    I have used truck stops extensively, and have always found them friendly, welcoming and on the whole, very clean.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Central Missouri


    It would be better to stay at that truck stop than in a rest area or even in a neighborhood. A few years ago, there was a big construction project in our neck of the woods. Every night, we'd see this vehicle parked in our neighborhood with shades in the windows. Though the guy tried to park in front of a different home every night, we finally figured out that no one in the neighborhood knew him and that he probably was a construction worker on the local project. The only thing we could not figure out is where he'd shower, shave, use the bathroom, etc., at night. He finally left ... we figured that somebody probably reported him.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default been there, done that, wearing the t-shirt

    75 miles? That's nothing! I've been driving 100 miles each way for the past 3 years!

    I have done the sleeping in the car things several times, but I don't do it regularly anymore. I found it just wasn't worth it.

    The biggest downside really are that you don't really have a way to get ready for work the next day, and there's not a lot of good options for relaxing after work. I found it worked best when I had a short turnaround, and I basically only had 6-7 hours between shifts and then sleeping was really the only thing I had time for.

    I've found that cheap motels - I've found a regular place thats under $40 a night - are just a lot more comfortable. I find it ends up being close to the same price as driving home and pretty much break even with "free" sleeping, although part of that is I can't sleep in my compact car, I have to use my SUV and the 10 mpg difference alone costs about $15.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada


    Quote Originally Posted by Midwest Michael View Post
    75 miles? That's nothing! I've been driving 100 miles each way for the past 3 years!
    Wow! A new road trip every single day! Still that's an impressive stat -- especially when one considers how much time you spend here every day!

  9. #9


    Trust me. It will be an adventure. And think of all the money you'll save! Not to mention wear and tear on your car. A few less carz on the road is always a good thing. :)

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