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  1. #1
    Nicolai Kux Guest

    Default driving to Connecticut to San Francisco with an old car

    I'm driving to CT from SF with an old car and I'd like to take a southern route to avoid the danger of driving in freezing areas. Advice on routes would be most welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Thjs time of year -- Freezing is possible

    This time of year, you would be darn lucky to find any route between CT and San Francisco that doesn't have freezing temperatures. Even Florida and the gulf states are prone to freezes in January.

    If you have an old car, you would be better served to take the most direct route you can. Which means I-80. Using I-80 is it likely you will hit some snow, but then again you might get lucky and have nice dry weather the entire way.

  3. #3


    I agree that the straight shot across 80 is your best route. If your car hasn't been serviced in a while, make sure you bring it in for either a tune-up or some other finishing touches. Your tires are extremely important this time of year, as are your battery and alternator.

    Make sure you carry a few extra winter supplies for emergency purposes, but most things that people worry about and take precautions for never actualize. I advise you to keep an ear out for the weather reports (just scan your AM dial and you'll find at least a clear-channel station) and use common sense if the weather turns for the worst. I mean, after all, you are from Connecticut. You're in wintery conditions right now!

    I will tell you that there is a very strong band of moisture that is pretty much funneling in through the northwest right now. This creates problems sometimes on 80 sometimes, but it often drifts south into Colorado and Utah. Just grin and bear it.

    Good luck and safe driving.


  4. #4

    Default Old car?

    I had to really resist the irreverent suggestion that maybe the real southern route was best -- you know, through Panama -- by ship... :) Hey, it's ALWAYS warm down there, isn't it?

    Seriously, you've had good advice already. Take the direct route, get the vehicle checked out beforehand, go prepared, and take it easy enroute. If you push too hard with a "seasoned" vehicle, you can cause problems you might not have otherwise. Make sure your cooling system is working properly (hoses, thermostat, radiator, water pump, etc) and your belts aren't worn. Make sure your tires are in good shape. No unusual sounds or noises that aren't explained. Make sure you have the means at-hand to take care of any on-the-road maintenance that becomes needed -- including towing.

    Then just go! And enjoy the adventure. Bob

  5. #5
    imported_Robert Guest

    Default southern route

    Another southern route would be to take one of the Interstates leaving CT and hook up with Route 40 near Knoxville. You may still hit some cold weather but it shouldn't be as severe as 80. The only problem with 40 is it drops you off in Barstow in Southern California, and then you would have to take Route 5 north from there. That would add another 8 hours to your drive.
    Good Luck

  6. #6
    imported_Ash Guest

    Default California Roadtrip

    Myself and a friend are planning a roadtrip in california in late april 2004. We will fly into LAX from the UK and hire a car for our 2 week trip.
    We want to see LA, San Simeon, San Fran, Las Vegas, San Diego and back to LA.
    I realise this will be a rush trip but we want to see as much as possible.
    Has anyone got any advice, tips, things we shouldnt miss etc. And the best nightlife places?
    Any info would be greatly appreciated.
    Cheers guys,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default At the risk of being redundant

    If winter weather conditions are a given (on both I-80 and I-40) -- the drive will be far more pleasant and less prone to road closures if one uses I-80. Some of the most notorious sections of interstate travel in the USA with respect to potential freezing rain and ice storms is the section of I-40 between Oklahoma and New Mexico.

  8. #8

    Default Umm...

    There seems to be some confusion here. He's going TO Connecticut, not leaving FROM it.

    The advice seems sound, though when you get up here to New England, you'll find that this winter has been a pretty harsh one, in terms of temperature and wind.

    Go direct, save your time. From the recent weather reports, the only truly blessed area of the country right now is Southern Florida, which is a little out of the way.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default If I had a brain...

    If I could read -- my "advice" would probably be more helpful. Thanks for alerting me to this boo-boo.


  10. #10
    Nicolai Kux Guest

    Default what to get checked out by the mechanic for a road trip

    Any suggestions about what to get the mechanic to check before taking a winter road trip on a 91 Maxima?

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