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  1. #1
    Martin Guest

    Default boston to San francisco

    My wife and I live in the UK and want to drive from Boston to San Francisco over a couple of weeks between March and May 2004. Tips on sights, routes and the convertible to hire appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Interests?

    What do you want to see? Do you have any particular places you already plan to stop? More information about your plans would make it easier to make suggestions.

    Are you looking to see more natural wonders like Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Canyonlands, Arches, etc.? Or more historical sites like Gettysburg, Washington DC, etc.? Or are you more interested in getting an idea of how different American society is from region to region by observing how different our cities can be with the idea of driving ASAP between them. Boston is far different from Atlanta which is far different from New Orleans, for example.

    As for convertibles...I've always been partial to Porsches myself. :-) A Mustang Convertible would probably be one of the easiest to find to rent, I would think, and would give you an experience with an American "muscle" car. I'm not sure much you'll enjoy the top down in March...but by May you will find more use for it.

  3. #3

    Default Absolutely!

    He may enjoy it immensely :) I have driven them in cold weather, top down, heater blowing on high, many times. The mix of air keeps things JUST comfortable for me, and I love the wind in my face! Obviously, I prefer things a bit on the fresh, cold side!

    I second the nomination of the Mustang -- it's one of my favorite American cars.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Oops

    I often forget that the rest of the country isn't in virtual continuous rain like I am from about November to only about 40 miles from the Olympic Rain Forest and on the PNW coast. Up here convertibles are definitely a summer only car.

  5. #5

    Default And...

    maybe not even THEN, some days! It rains up there in the SUMMER too!

    I lived on Sauvie Island when I was a kid (just north of Portland along US30). Best year of my kid-life!

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