Results 1 to 9 of 9
  1. #1
    Stephan Guest

    Default Trying to figure it out

    We're thinking of taking 2 weeks next summer end of july into early august and driving from boston to Miami, spending 3 days, then going west....and then back east.

    Montana is appealing but seems like it just might be too much. We're looking at doing this in a Jeep Grand Cherokee and some tents...with a national parks pass.

    Honestly, I'm trying to figure out an interesting, beautiful trip that can pretty much be ad libbed as we go. We want a game plan, not an intinerary. Any suggestions or thoughts would be helpful.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Two weeks and how many miles?

    How many miles are you considering? A circuit that included Boston, Florida,Montana and back to Boston would take just about the entire two weeks and wouldn't leave much time for camping or exploring.

    Rule of thumb -- driving flat-out you will be unable to drive faster than an average of 50 mph over the course of eight hours of driving. So you might want to think about what is more interest to you -- covering as many miles as possible in the two weeks or having sufficient time to check out the places you are driving through.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default 1 or the other?

    Personally, I would either go to Miami or Montana, not both. You could drive that in 2 weeks but you would have little time to explore and enjoy your surroundings.

    If you truly don't want an itinerary, why even plan a destination? I've done a few roadtrips where we've just gotten in the car and driven wherever we end up. About half way during the vacation, we start veering toward home and just wander. It's great and fun to go wherever your fancy leads you.

    An interesting road sign, a funny place name on the map, a recommendation from a waitress at a local diner, etc., have all led us to interesting places that we never would have visited if we'd been tied to getting to a certain location. Just a thought.

  4. #4
    Stephan Guest

    Default The truth

    The truth is, I have no desire to go to Miami at all...that's the 'obligatory' part of the see my parents. ;)

    The thing is, I was really hoping to go to Montana...I don't think that'd work now, I guess, I'm leaning towards a alabama, Mississippi, Lousiana, then north along the river, and back east...Maybe?

    I don't know. The one thing I know is...I can't realistically get out of the Miami leg without irritating someone. ;)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    I'm not familiar with roadtripping in the East so I'm no help with that. However, just want to say that your amended plan makes more sense. But I still think you won't have time to do much exploring and will be mostly driving.

    Personally, I think I would zip quickly down to Miami, get the family visit out of the way, and then meander back home along the coast. I'm sure there's many interesting places to stop and explore and then, if time gets tight, you can zip back when it gets to be time to get home without being several days drive away from home.

    Again, I really prefer having no real destination...meandering, wandering is good. "Not all who wander are lost." JRR Tolkein

  6. #6
    Stephan Guest


    The problem is, I've never much wandered the mid-country, the east coast, I've been through a few times....and my wife has never seen the seems such a noble goal to see the great American analogy for freedom, unity and division

  7. #7

    Default Air?

    My 2 cents. Check into cheap air for the quick trip to Miami, then make your road trip where you want it. It's worth suggesting anyway. Bob

  8. #8
    Stephan Guest

    Default maybe

    We might try to extend the trip to three weeks. That might help us explore a bit more. ;)

  9. #9
    Stephan Guest


    we were hoping to save the airfare for the trip..that's sort of the problem.

    Miami is typically around $300 *'s pricey.

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