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  1. #1
    Anneke Guest

    Default Route 66

    We want to make a summer roadtrip and drive the complete ROUTE 66(Chicago - L.A) with our 9 year old son, starting in july 2004. Does anyone have info and suggestions, esp. HOW MUCH TIME do we need, is 4 weeks enough? We're planning to drive in a family car and sleep in motels etc.
    Thanks a lot
    Michel & Anneke
    The Netherlands

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Excellent resource

    It can be a little challenging to drive the entire route since the original route 66 route has been broken into little chunks that are not connected to anything. However, there is a superb web site that chronicles a trip made earlier this summer along the entire stretch of Rte 66. Daily logs, photos and articles are on-line at the <a href = "">Route 66 Web site</a>.

    Four weeks is sufficient. Also be sure and check out our <a href= "">Rte 66 Resources page.</a>

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