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Thread: N.Y. to Boise

  1. #1
    imported_Tony Guest

    Default N.Y. to Boise

    We are planning a 1 way road trip from N.y. to Boise, Idaho in early-december. How much time should we leave ourselfs to drive this? is 1 week enough time to make it safely back? I am a little nervous about this trip and would like any advice on how to be prepared for this.. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    You might check out the "Planning a X-Country roadtrip" thread for some winter driving tips, if you need 'em.

    Personally, I don't think this allows you much time to enjoy the trip. Even in the summer, this would be a quick drive there and back without much time for sightseeing. In the winter, with slower driving conditions, you would be spending more time driving than playing. Of course, if just seeing the sights from the car is your plan...then go for it. I've done similar quick trips in the summer and have enjoyed them so it all depends on what you want out of the trip. I would pick someplace a bit closer to him with the amount of time you have or fly to Boise, IMHO.

  3. #3
    imported_Bob Guest

    Default NY to Boise

    do you need a car for this trip or do you know somebody who would like to join you (and maybe you don't want them in your car)? I'm trying to send my Toyota Landcruiser from NY to Idaho in early December.

  4. #4
    imported_Tony Guest


    Actually, i think we are misunderstood, i am flying there and driving back.. i am spending 4 days in ny and then we are driving back to idaho. is 7 days enough driving time??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Yes

    Yes, 7 days would be enough. You would definitely have time to see some of the sights even if you are slowed down a little due to weather with 7 days. If I were you, I'd go to the tab about Roadtrips and use some of the online trip-mapping sights to figure out about how many miles you would need to travel each day to keep on schedule. Plan time for stops at the main sights you want to see and try to plan time for more spontaneous stops. You should be fine and it should be a great trip!

  6. #6
    kristy Guest

    Default ny to boise

    i have driven i-95 the northern route the end of october and hit snow it montana, north dakota and pennyslyvania. the snow plows come out right away so the driving isnt so bad. the only problem i experienced is driving in the snow at night in PA. when the snow came straight toward my car it made it feel like i wasnt moving. it is the one and only time i have ever been car sick. other than that the trip was fine and i was still able to make SEA to NY in 3 days. good luck have fun

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Pretty scary!


    I have driven thousands of hours in terrible snow conditions, including near-white-outs, over the years and the scariest incident I have ever had was similar to your experience in PA. It happened two years ago on I-15 about 4 am near Baker, California and the angle of the wind-blown snow totally eclipsed my abilty to judge movement. The only way I knew I was still on the road and moving, was to watch the speedometer. I got off the highway as soon as I could. Probably one of the craziest driving experiences of my life. Luckily, most drivers never experience such a potentially lethal combination of factors. Glad you survived!


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