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  1. #1
    imported_Shannon Guest

    Default southwest road trip

    This may sound strange, but I have a horrible sense of direction and have oftentimes spent hours trying to find my way back home after getting lost, and this is just in my home state of NJ (and a couple of times in PA). I have come to enjoy the thrill of just wonder aimlessly and would like to take a roadtrip in the southwest (TX, AZ, NV,etc.)doing just that. However, the person I will be traveling with does not feel the same way. He does not want a carefully planned trip, but feels there should be some kind of structure. Any suggestions on how we could compromise between the two? We are going to be driving, but we were considering maybe hiking or camping out a couple of times while we're down there. Thanks for any input you can give.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A tough one

    In all seriousness, I would suggest that the two of you take different trips. No degree of compromise is (in my view) going to make either of you happy. You could still travel to the southwest together, but then establish a "base camp" and go explore on your own.

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