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  1. #1

    Default USA roadtrip

    Starting and ending in Maryland.

    How can i plan this trip so i dont miss the best attractions? i want to go all the way to LA and back.

    please post some websites or something to help me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    Boy, that's a big order. For general information websites, you can't do better than poking around here. Lots of good info on this website. Also lots of good links to other helpful websites are posted on this website as well. Poke around. I'm sure you'll find most of the info you need right here.

    Other websites that you might find helpful are:,,,,

    On this website there is a listing of personal websites where people have posted travelogues of their personal roadtrips. Lots of good info and tips are to be had on those. Many are fun to read and will give you ideas on places to go that you probably never considered before.

    I don't have the web addies handy for some of the RV-related websites I've read but you might do a search for some of those as well. While targeted to RVers, they still offer a wealth of travel info useful for us roadtrippers.

    If you have more specific questions in the future, just ask here. I'm sure someone will give you some good advice.

  3. #3
    imported_Mark Guest

    Default Also in MD, looking to tour the US

    Hey there, my friend and I are also planning a trip around the US for this summer. We plan to get down to Mexico and up thru Canada as well. We both go to school and Maryland, so I'd love to exchange info if you continue with your trip. Feel free to drop me a line if anyone has anything that might help!

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