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  1. #1
    Lyrana Guest


    I'm traveling down I-29 from Grand Forks, ND to Kansas City, MO and I was wondering if there are any cool stops I should make along the way? Little towns I must visit? Big tacky landmarks I need to photograph? If anyone can give me some info it would be helpful, since I don't want it to be a long boring drive.

  2. #2
    imported_Transplanted Midwesterner Guest

    Default I-29

    My all time favorite roadside stop is along I-29 in St. Joe, MO: The Glore psyciatric museum. Otherwise, Old Towne Omaha is a nice place to check out, There's also several casinos along the way which I've used as a change of pace after several hours on the road.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Ooh --Tell us, tell us!

    The Glore Psychiatric museum sounds intriguing! What does it have? Have you ever stopped at the Walter Reed Medical Hospital in Washington DC? Another place you can't believe is open to the public!

  4. #4
    imported_Transplanted Midwesterner Guest

    Default Glore

    &gt; The Glore Psychiatric museum sounds intriguing! <BR>
    &gt; What does it have? Have you ever stopped at the <BR>
    &gt; Walter Reed Medical Hospital in Washington DC? <BR>
    &gt; Another place you can't believe is open to the <BR>
    &gt; public! <BR>
    The Glore museum actually used to be a mental hospital, at one point named Missouri's State Lunatic Asylum #2. The building shows of some of the "tools" and "therapys" used to treat patents throughout several centurys. It also has some bizare collections created by the inmates, including a display of more than a thousand nails that one person decided to eat. The tour is free and is guided by push button audio recordings at each stop through the building. The tour does a great job of showing some very creepy things... in a way that is at times humorous.

    It's been a few years since I was there, but it still sticks out in my mind as the most strange, educational, yet creepy place I've ever stopped at. I only stumbled upon it because of a road sign as I was driving back from a concert in KC one day, but I would go back in a minute if I ever had a reason to be in NW Missouri.

    I've never been to Walter Reed, but I'll remember it if I'm ever out in the d.c. area. What does it have to offer?

  5. #5
    imported_Transplanted Midwesterner Guest

    Default Glore

    The Glore museum actually used to be a mental hospital, at one point named Missouri's State Lunatic Asylum #2. The building shows of some of the "tools" and "therapys" used to treat patents throughout several centurys. It also has some bizare collections created by the inmates, including a display of more than a thousand nails that one person decided to eat. The tour is free and is guided by push button audio recordings at each stop through the building. The tour does a great job of showing some very creepy things... in a way that is at times humorous.

    It's been a few years since I was there, but it still sticks out in my mind as the most strange, educational, yet creepy place I've ever stopped at. I only stumbled upon it because of a road sign as I was driving back from a concert in KC one day, but I would go back in a minute if I ever had a reason to be in NW Missouri.

    I've never been to Walter Reed, but I'll remember it if I'm ever out in the d.c. area. What does it have to offer?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Well, you asked for it...

    Walter Reed Medical Museum -- The nail collection reminds me of the enormous bezor (hairball) removed from the stomach of a young women who had been eating her hair for years; The fractured leg bones of a civil war soldier (complete with the shards of the ball that hit him); A truly amazing collection of all phases of a fetus' development preserved in jars; a huge collection of odd medical devices and -- oh yes -- the contents of a shark's stomach that included a pair of torn swimming trunks... Ya gotta love this place.

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