Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Shane and Jeff Guest


    Hi all
    My friend and I are planning a roadtrip to all mainland states, except Alaska, sorry. Do you know of any software, website, etc. that is easy to use, and works well that will let us map out our trip. We are AAA members, but don't want to have get a triptik, cause we aren't planning on taking too many four lane highways. We have a pretty good idea of the route we want to take, but are always up for better ideas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default New RoadTrip Planning Reviews

    We have added a new section with ratings of the various on-line roadtrip planning tools. There are a number of sites that puport to offer such services, and we will eventually get all of them reviewed.

    Check out: <a href = "">Free Planners</a> and <a href = "">Fee Planners<a/>.


  3. #3
    margot Guest

    Default MapQuest is really good, it lets you map out a whole trip on their "Road Trip Planner", and it'll give you detailed driving directions and maps for every part of your trip, plus mileage. Also has some links to hotels and stuff along the way, but I think it's mostly advertisers so less useful. Very good map site tho!

  4. #4


    Check out the reviews Mark's post led you to. While some of the online sites are pretty good, I love MS Streets & Trips and think it is well worth the price. It is much more flexible for you to manipulate and you can save various versions of the same trip to take with you. I love it.

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