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  1. #1
    imported_Teresa Guest

    Default Leaving this coming weekend

    This may sound weird...but Im not accustomed to long roadtrips. Ive been so excited about taking this trip (from Ohio to Vegas) and have posted here and got lots of good advice. Now the time is almost here and Im a little jittery. Im still excited! Don't get me wrong. In fact everyone at work is helpful too...telling me we will see so many neat sites on the way! Just hoping all goes well. I just wanted to share that. Probably silly....but with my car breaking down this past friday, well Im sure glad we are renting a car. And hopefully if we have car trouble, they will replace it and we can get on with our trip! Im known as somewhat of a worry wart....and don't mean to be negative...but just wanted to share this and see if anyone feels this way. Thanks for all you've shared. Its been SO helpful. I've printed out a lot of the posts to take with us.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Glad to have been of service

    Before you head out, take a few minutes and read Megan's "The Art of the RoadTrip." It is a short essay sharing some of the lessons the road has taught us.

    A great RoadTrip is, by definition, a journey into the unknown. It is intended to be an adventure, it is not a theme park ride and offers the promise of real discovery. Have fun. Don't worry. The "jitters" are simply evidence that you are alive and on-target.


  3. #3

    Default I understand

    I've been doing road trips for 30 years and I still get a little nervous sometimes but as soon as I hit the road it disappears.

    Have a good trip and come back and tell us all about it!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    Everyone has given you good advice. I would just add that sometimes the little mishaps, like getting lost, are the most fun parts of the trip. We have stumbled across some of the funnest and funniest things by getting lost. A flat tire once introduced us to the most charming and friendly family who stopped to assist us and made us lunch from their travel trailer. So don't worry...from mishaps some of the best memories are made.

  5. #5
    imported_Teresa Guest

    Default Thanks!

    Utahtea - 3 days and counting....
    Thank you for responding. I don't feel quite so weird now. I was a little hesistant writing my feelings about it...but Im glad I did now. What a conflict of emotion!

  6. #6
    imported_Teresa Guest

    Default mishaps

    This is another thread I need to print out and take with us. We have travel notebooks together, with activities (for bingo..scavenger hunts..pages on each state we are going through) as well as pages to do our journaling for each day. I'll try to remember what you said about the little mishaps. Thanks Judy!

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