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  1. #1
    Stephanie Webster Guest


    Hi Everyone!

    I have been asking questions on this board for a month or so in preperations for my cross country adventure that begins tomorrow. All my questions were always answered and I want to thank you all for the help. Having never done this before I needed all the help I could possibly get.

    I am driving across the country trying to raise a dollar from everyone in America so I can fund my movie. Who knows if I will be successful but regardless I know it will be one hell of an adventure!

    Thanks again,
    Stephanie Webster

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Where can I send my buck?

    I just visited your website and left you a guest book entry. Best of luck on your adventure and I can't wait to see your film. Where do I send my buck if I don't see you on the road?

    Keep us updated and I will also visit your site regularly to get updates from your journal.

    Take care and have a blast!! Judy

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