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  1. #1
    Yon Guest

    Default Boston to Seattle in 6 days a week from today- Route?

    we areleaving to seattle from boston. We are going to do it in 6 days. We have to go to Ogdensburg NY first. After that we are unsure of the route or sites to see. any ideas?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default 2800 miles of possibilities

    Once you depart Ogdensburg, the most direct route will cover 2800 miles. Assuming you have most of the remaining five days, scheduled for the trip, you can either drive a leisurely nine hours a day and cruise your way to Seattle or you can hammer down some sections and allow time for sight-seeing along the way.

    The most direct route is I-94 (and if you put I-94 into the search utility on the top of this page you will see a number of places to explore). In the hammer-down mode, I would suggest two hard days at ~ 12+ hours of driving, to allow time to explore the Theodore Roosevelt NP in North Dakota. Then some more hard hours and take I-15 north to US-89 and take the "Going to the Sun Highway" in Glacier NP (awesome!)

    Then pick up US-2 through the Montana Rockies, past Libby and on into Sandpoint, Idaho. Great bars and fun places to hang in Sandpoint. Then down to Coeur d'Alene -- another fun town (in the summer) and by now you will be nearly out of time, so time for more hammer-down on I-90 on into Seattle.

    If, by some amazing fluke, you still have a day or so available when you hit Spokane -- At Ellensburg go north on US-97 thru Leavenworth and over Steven's Pass thru the Cascades -- gorgeous mountain driving into Seattle

  3. #3
    Yon Guest


    Thanks for the info we are running those numbers and see how possible that route is. Is it dificult finding lodging?We were gonna take a more I94 to I90 to then to I84. But perhaps your route is better.

    AS far as glacier park in canada, how is the police situation? Many troopers? I have a bad tendency to speed.. ;)

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