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  1. #1
    jack Guest

    Default atlanta to sandiego for 19 yearolds

    Me and a few of my buddies wont to drive from atlanta to california. We are looking for adventure but dont like Jail cells. Were gonna take an old beaten 92 aerostar. Any words of advice on where to go and what to do? How do we keep it cheap?

  2. #2
    Kristen. G Guest


    My friend and I are doing a road trip this summer to, to keep it cheap we've descided to sleep in the car, bath in sinks/lakes, eat out of the back of the car, taking a camp stove, seduce men to buy things for us, ya that's all I've got, GOOD LUCK

  3. #3

    Default Jail?

    Hey Jack-

    From what you say in your message, it seems as if you and your friends might be planning to engage in at least some form of illegal conduct during your trip. Just a little bit of free advice from someone who knows the roads and knows the law...

    There are few things more inconvenient than having to deal with legal problems outside of your home state. Avoid any activity that makes a spectacle of yourselves or of your group. Be respectful of other people, particularly on the highways, and if the need should arise, any law officers you encounter.

    Bottom line is...DON'T BE STUPID about anything you do. Even non-illegal activities that draw the attention of local "John Q. Laws" could lead to the discovery of less obvious, illegal ones. Also, don't even THINK about asking someone to purchase alcohol for you in the bible belt states, or in small towns ANYWHERE. The person you ask, regardless of how "cool" they appear, is much more likely to call the police than help you out. In small towns, they might BE the police.

    Good luck and safe driving.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default I was hoping you would see that post!


    The first time I read the reference to "Jail" I thought of the type of response you might offer. Good going. While going to jail would certainly be an experience, I can't believe it should be on anyone's "top ten list" of fun things to do on a roadtrip!

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