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Thread: Scenic Route

  1. #1
    imported_J Guest

    Default Looking for someone to share the gas money, etc...

    Hi I'm a 23 year old male from Eastern PA about to embark on a road trip. I was planning on taking a diagonal across the country and drive up and around the West. Essentially I just lost my 9-5 job and I'm not very eager getting back into that at the moment. I'd like to stay on the "path not taken" for as long as possible before having to get back to work. Would anyone like to hitch a ride for a portion of the trip and share expenses? I drive a 2003 Dodge Neon--the mileage is good. Let me know asap, I want to go soon.

  2. #2
    Brandon Guest


    Sup Man,

    I too am "in between jobs" LOL. I am up in CT. I was planin' a roadtrip myself even got the car ready... A sweet camaro.. But then I wasnt sure if doing it by myself would be fun. Hey look at that ..oh no ones here. Bummer.

    I am a laid back person, huge summer and Jimmy Buffet fan and I figure do it now while I can do things on the trip, rather than be to old and have to take pictures of it. I don't know much of you so shoot back an email and maybe our plan will coincide. I might suggest bringin' a tent a hittin some camp site to keep the cost down.


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