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  1. #1
    C.E. Guest

    Default Best way to travel to California going through Texas?

    Hi Everyone!

    Three of my friends and myself are planning on taking a road trip next summer from Seattle to San Diego. We have three weeks to take the entire trip. The last 5 days we would like to spend in California (Disneyland, Universal Studios). I figure it will only take about 20 hours to get home if we switch off driving and take the I-5. On our way South we wanted to go through Texas, do you think this is realistic? I'm not sure if it is, as I have never driven that way before.

    Thanks so much for any help or advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default It would be rather unique

    Going to San Diego from Seattle via Texas would be an interesting approach. Where in Texas are you considering? And what other states were you intending to cross? Three weeks is OK, but there will be some significant driving. If we were to assume that your Texas destination was Dallas, the minimum distance that you would drive (for all three legs) would be 4850 miles.

    If you spend 5 days in Southern California, you would need to average at least 300 miles per day the rest of the time -- not really all that far -- but you would have to keep moving.

    For some great tips about the San Diego to Seattle leg check out (
    Index.cfm?CFApp=44&Message_ID=2945) Or, use the "Search" utility on this forum.

  3. #3
    Transplanted Midwesterner Guest

    Default Very interesting

    I'd agree with the editor in wondering what parts of Texas your looking at. Keep this in mind, if you'd go through Dallas, you'd actually be farther away from San Diego than when you started. Even El Paso is almost 800 miles away.
    You might think about seeing some of the other things that wouldn't be quite so far out of the way. The Grand Canyon, Las Vegas to name just two of the many. Personally, I'd think about taking the 101 and head right along the coast.

  4. #4
    C.E. Guest

    Default still not sure


    Thanks so much for all your help so's great! :)
    Our plans for Texas are still pretty rough...I was thinking we should maybe just go to Amarillo, but I figured if we go that far we may as well go to Dallas. (I think it's about 400 miles) We might change our trip from 3 weeks to a month to give us extra time as well.
    Thanks also for the advice about the Grand Canyon...I took a road trip down to Peoria for baseball spring training and I LOVED the scenery of Arizona.
    I'm wondering if having to do that many miles (300 miles) which isn't many, will start to seem like a long ways if we have to do it everyday.

    Thanks again for the help so far! :)


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