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  1. #1
    Jon Guest

    Default British couple need to buy/rent a car for a month for roadtrip!!

    Hi there,

    We live in London and were going to be coming to the US in June - were flying to LA and want to do a roadtrip for 1-2 months, finishing in Miami. Anybody suggest the best way to get a car... renting seems expensive - are there any rental companies specifically for road trips (i.e. cheap longterm and oneway?!?!!).

    Or would you suggest buyign at one end and selling at the other?! Anyone know about any legal/financial problems with a foriegner doing this??

    Any help would be great - have searched the internet and am really suprised i cant find any info for foreigners doing roadtrips!



  2. #2
    cookie Guest


    hi jon am also a brit looking to drive east to west in 04 , seems to be companies called "driveaways" that let you use there customers car to be delivered to customers new home, you only have petrol& insurance to consider, good luck gary

  3. #3
    Kris Guest


    The best place i have found for hire/lease cars is

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default DriveAway Resource Page

    DriveAways can be tricky for international visitors, but in any case, we have put together a set of resources on this subject that can be helpful:

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