Results 1 to 10 of 10
  1. #1
    imported_Katie Guest

    Default Going gambling!!

    Well, I just got dumped by a long time boyfriend and some of my sorority sisters and I are looking to go to Reno, NV. The only problem is that we're all tight on the money and we didn't know if it would be better to drive (which is my idea since I have always wanted to do a road trip) or fly roundtrip for about $280 per person. We're coming from North Texas and it would be about a 35 hour drive.... Any help is very appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Not Bad

    It seems to me that roadtrippin isn't the worst idea. You'll definatelysave moohla and see sights. You have a few friends so driving in shift will be cake.

    One word of caution...Pre-Plan (Ok maybe 2). If you pre plan you can visit different sights and experience things you may not have time to later in a life. Also make sure you and the girls have a preset plan for road safety Ie: safety kit for break downs ($25-35)and AAA. Then you should be set.

    Also be sure to get along... Bickering in a car can be hell over a long period.

    All in all, road trip will save cash, see sights, bond friendships and Hey, in the end, its the experience that you can say you had.

  3. #3
    yosemite Guest

    Default don't go to reno

    reno is not a good place to go. go to vegas instead. it's closer for you and a lot more fun. reno is just a run down city with not much going on except for a couple of blocks where the casinos are. I should know, i live only 3 hours away....either way, be safe.

  4. #4


    Gee Yosemite,

    Nothing like pissing on a idea that I wrote in the hope it might raise they're sprites alittle. And offer a positive spin. And good wishes.

    And, you managed to do it only a month after the topic was posted. This is why many good hearted ppl dont get involved with forums. To many idiots with no common sense or general courtsy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Personally I like Reno

    The RTA office is in Las Vegas -- so I know and like the city alot.

    That being said, there is plenty of very cool things to do around Reno and gambling is just the tip of the iceberg. Within one hour of Reno, can be hanging at the Bucket of Blood Saloon in Virginia City, sipping brewskies alongside Lake Tahoe, marveling at Carson City and hiking near the famous Black Rock Desert.

  6. #6
    imported_Katie Guest

    Default this road trip!!

    You guys are soo cute when you're helpful!! Ok, this roadtrip is the hardest thing to plan... it's easier to graduate college than take a trip at times!! I am still working on it so the continued suggestions and help is greatly appreciated. By the way.. I never knew there was so much to do in Reno... I was just going there because I have an old friend there too.... the partying is just extra!! PLEASE HELP! Katie

  7. #7


    For someone on a budget, I think vegas is a place you want to avoid, unless you're NOT a gambler. For your budget, that's about an hour or two of fun. But the food there is really cheap, $2.95 breakfast buffets and free drinks at the casinos. But it might be hot at this time of the year. Reno is nice, there's always Tahoe and SF nearby.

  8. #8
    dominiqueyou Guest

    Default roadtrip

    Well, I'm not sure if this is any help but I thought I'd share my roadtrip plans. Like you, me and a girlfriend plan on driving to Nevada. However, we're coming from Canada and only have about 3 days to do it in. So, we're just going to Jackpot. I've gone there once a year for the past 5 years and really enjoy it. I'm an avid gambler however, so that makes it fun for me. We are going during the week because that makes hotel rooms and buffets A LOT cheaper (table limits are also lower)! We're driving down, but it's only about a 12 hour drive for us. We would like to go to Vegas but decided to take a shorter trip that would cost way less money. We plan on indulging in everything that is offered to us ie. free drinks, cheap food, free live bands, cheap gambling. We plan on shopping in a nearby town during the day (so we don't spend all day in the casinos losing our money). Because we're from Canada and the stores are different in the States we're very excited (for example, we don't have Victoria's Secret stores!). Also, there are some hot springs in northern Nevada that cost $5 for the entire day, so we thought we might try those out. We plan on making the drive there in one day so we're going to stock up on Cosmo magazines and do the quizzes along the way. We just want to have a really fun, girl's only, time. If we come up with anything else I'll let you know.
    Have fun no matter what you do. If you do drive I suggest making sure you have a cell phone with you, even if you have to borrow one, and make sure your vehicle has a tune-up before you go. It also wouldn't hurt to know how to change your own flat tire.

  9. #9
    imported_Bob Guest

    Default Still looking for advice?

    If you are on a budget, take at least some food with you and save on your meals -- I drive a lot and find that it is much better to eat light (sandwich for lunch and some fruit) while on road trips -- many people tend to overdo it on the restaurant chow.

    Also, on a budget, you want to go direct and fast, so you might take US 287 up to Denver and I-70 westbound to US50 and on to Reno. Another option is I-40 to Kingman, AZ and up US95 to Reno.

    BUT...if you have some time and a LITTLE gas money for seeing some magnificent country, work your way over to Santa Rosa, NM on I-40, then north through the Santa Fe area toward Farmington or Durango, CO. Follow US160 through Four Corners into Arizona, then go north from Kayenta into Utah on US163, UT261, UT95, UT24, and UT12. UT12 from Torrey to US89 is one of the most beautiful and spectacular highways in the USA, but ALL of these roads run through gorgeous country Texicans can only DREAM about! :) (Well. OK, maybe the Hill Country IS kind of pretty) From the end of UT12, you can go north (on US89 or I-15) and pick up I-80 to Reno, or again, take US50 across western Utah and Nevada to Reno.

    Keep in mind these are mostly two-lane roads through mountain country, so they are not quick. You can only do about 400 miles a day (average) on these roads, so if you have less time (or $$) than that, pick and choose smaller portions of the suggested route. I have been through this area (Reno to East Utah)in the past two weeks, and gas prices ranged from 1.39 to 2.39 per gallon -- average was about 1.70. They may have come down 10 cents or so meanwhile.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Most Hot Springs of any USA state

    It turns out that Nevada has the highest number of named hot springs in the USA. 312 to be exact. For additional information take a look at

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