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  1. #1
    imported_Andy Guest

    Default I'm from the UK and wanna do a road trip

    Can anyone offer me any advice like how much it will cost, places to go (I like the sun and fancy California/Nevada) I'm going with my girlfriend and will be hiring a car. Any info will be useful


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default International Tips Page


    As a first step, you might want to check out our tips for International visitors.

    Fly to Albuequerque, NM and then rent a car and travel to the 7 national parks in the region.

    What do you mean by "Fancy California and Nevada"

  3. #3
    layla Guest

    Default reply to fancy query

    Fancy is a British colloquilism meaning 'like'

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