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  1. #1
    Terry N. Guest

    Default 450 Mile Yard Sale

    My wife and I are planning on going south during the summer to Covington, KY and follow route 127 which has yard sales the entire length of it to Gadsden, AL! We have seen this advertised several places, in particular on Google where there is lots of info, and are interested in taking in the sights and sounds of this event. The length of the sales is approximately 450 miles and according to info would take about 4 days to see it all!
    Has anyone out there ever been to this event? What are your findings?

  2. Default

    It boggles the mind.
    You will not believe the amount of sales. We just roamed from below I-64 in Ky to Danville, KY, and were positively overcome with antique hunters fever.
    Fabulous areas with hundreds of vendors, set up in big fields, pavilions, front yards, etc. You may want to rent a U-Haul if you're serious about this!
    Enjoy, it's the most fun a person can have in 100 degree weather, but who notices?
    Last edited by AZBuck; 07-06-2007 at 08:13 AM. Reason: Preferred link format

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default What discoveries did you acquire?

    Quote Originally Posted by WeaverRose View Post
    We just roamed from below I-64 in Ky to Danville, KY, and were positively overcome with antique hunters fever.
    I am not a collector of stuff -- well, maybe rocks and minerals -- but I know that this event draws a lot of interest. Welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum! What kinds of wonders did you discover on this trip?


  4. #4


    Well, I live near it, but I've steadfastly resisted going, although my wife usually goes with a friend. My SIL is an inveterate collector of anything which doesn't move any more, so she's naturally a devotee'...

  5. #5

    Default omg!

    That sounds hilarious - I can imagine getting a little out of hand so I think it's best I don't go... especially with excess baggage charges as high as they are. Unless, of course, I book a 45' ISO container. hmm... :)

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