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  1. #1
    Joy:) Guest

    Default Get me outta here!

    I live in Birmingham, AL and a couple of friends and I are trying to decide where to go for a fun and memorable road trip that is within a days driving distance. I am 23 and in grad school so a trip for my spring break is over due! We can't really decide on anywhere so we thought we would turn to others for creative ideas:)! THANKS for your creativity in advance

  2. #2
    Don Woodmancy Guest

    Default Pensacola

    If you are, as I assume from your name, a girl, Pensacola has three things going for it.
    1. Within a day's drive of Birmingham
    2. A great beach
    3. Naval Aviation Cadets (pilots in training)

  3. #3
    Joy:) Guest


    Thanks, I am looking into the lodging this time of year. I like points one and two, but I used to date a pilot and can we say egotistical, I am in a happy realtionship of over a year, but I have had fun in Pensacola in the past so that is a good thought!

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