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  1. #1
    Brandon Guest

    Default Simalar story.

    Hey Linda,

    You and me I am young and Bored in my mundane life. I am starting up in CT. I was planning on heading South first to Myrtle beach for a few day then south from there. I have all the time I want. I was going to head to Daytona speedway for a day then perhaps the NASA spacecenter. I MUST hit the keys...I am a huge Jimmy Buffet fan so I figured I would check out the area. Gotta scuba the Keys. From there I am heading west toward CA. I plan to hit things like Devils tower, the great Barrington crater, Roswell, NM, The Yellowstone NP, Biminne salt falt ET highway, the Bio Dome and a few more.

    I was gonna tow my motorcycle but felt "Road Trip" not "tow trip" I too am quite freaked about the prospect of this much amount of time on the road. I think my biggest concern is loneliness. I am renting a lap top a buying a digital camera to save the memories. If you interested feel free to keep in touch with me, as I too have no clue what I am doing. But my attitude is see it now, who knows if I'll have a chance again in the future. I, on the other hand, am not planning to much of my trip, do to the fact I belive I am treating it like an adventure. I don't want it all to preplanned.

    Well Good luck, and email me if you have any suggestion or want to compare notes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default boredom is in the head -- not the place

    "All the time I want" -- Wow -- what a luxury. Enjoy the wonder of such an open-ended roadtrip. It is pretty hard to be lonely on the road. With very little effort you can meet 10 new people a day, such opportunities to meet new folks while living in one place are much harder to come by.

    If you ever need a conversation -- stop in a truck stop -- and strike up a conversation with a trucker -- 99% of them are eager for conversation. Consider getting a CB -- some of the most amazing conversations I ever had during our recent 6.5 year roadtrip occured while on a roll on the highway.

    You might find Megan's essay about the Art of a RoadTrip useful:

    My favorite way to plan a route: 1) Wake up in the morning, take a cup of java outside and look at the sky, 2)Choose a horizon with the best prospect of stormy weather, 3) Go that way. Mosey. Be open to the adventure of the moment.

    The Keys -- a truly amazing place. Not really in the United States -- vivid, exciting -- plenty of sharks to keep wits sharp.

    The best part of a roadtrip -- you can be "no where" and "now here" at the same time.

    Go have an adventure!


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