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Thread: Company

  1. #1
    Brandon Guest

    Default Finding a Road Companion

    I am doing a road trip in Mid may or april this year (2003). I am thinkin' that doing it along may get quite and lonely. I have my own money for the hole trip. So if i could find a suitable travel companion I would be willing to discuss expense split.

    I am concerned lack of a friend may make the trip boring and encourage me to cut it short. I am not a Psycho just no one I know has the time or interest.

  2. #2
    Brandon Guest


    It's me again. I figured I would just leave a few more details in regardes to my trip plans. I plan to do a road trip with no limit as to guidelines. I have a list of ten to 15 places I would like to hit. I will be covering almost a complete circle of the US. Including north east to the south then over west thennorth and back. But I have no paticular plan...Yet

    If you are interested in more info please email me. I am also open to suggestion as to adding sites to my trip. I should let people know I am leaning toward a female travel campanion due to the fact, there would be a lack of testosterone. However, everyone should contact me because I do not prejudge people. I am 25 and dont feel getting older means feeling older.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Hitch-hikers


    Not the advice I would give to everyone -- but I still pick up hitch-hikers on a regular basis on the road. As a result I have met some rather amazing characters. Something to consider...

  4. #4
    Brandon Guest


    I too was thinking the same thing. I am an Ex marine and do plan on have some security with me. I was thinking on hitting local places to meet and greet ppl, as to sample the places I visit. Also to learn more about the towns and it history.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Best Security -- Space between ears

    After 200,000+ recent road miles, the very best security tool is kept in the space between your ears. I have never kept nor needed any weapon. A thinking person is far more effective and efficient than one relying on a weapon.

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