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  1. #1

    Default trip around the country

    I'm a senior in high school and at the end of the year me and two friends are planning on a road trip around the country. The whole idea from the beginning here has been just to take it day by day, not really make any plans. We want to just wake up, pick a road in the direction we're going, and take it. We'll be starting and ending in Massachussetts, and the only places we really have planned to stop by in are Seattle, Santa Cruz CA, Albuquerque NM, and New Orleans. We're also planning on making a little swing through Mexico, and we'd like to do some hiking and such out west (we're all pretty experienced with backpacking and camping, so this should be easy enough). Anyway, does this sound like it would work? Also how long would it take if we want to drive a reasonable amount each day, maybe 5 or so hours on average, and how much money would we need?

  2. #2

    Default trip around the country

    I'm a senior in high school and at the end of the year me and two friends are planning on a road trip around the country. The whole idea from the beginning here has been just to take it day by day, not really make any plans. We want to just wake up, pick a road in the direction we're going, and take it. We'll be starting and ending in Massachussetts, and the only places we really have planned to stop by in are Seattle, Santa Cruz CA, Albuquerque NM, and New Orleans. We're also planning on making a little swing through Mexico, and we'd like to do some hiking and such out west (we're all pretty experienced with backpacking and camping, so this should be easy enough). Anyway, does this sound like it would work? Also how long would it take if we want to drive a reasonable amount each day, maybe 5 or so hours on average, and how much money would we need?

  3. Default Be Careful South of the Border

    I'd consider crossing the Canadian border rather than the Mexican border. There are many safe areas down there, but I have heard horror stories about the highway patrol.

    Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal are four vibrant cities, with incredible nightlives.

    Use extra caution wherever you go because of your young age. Don't even think about driving drunk or whatever else...laws have gotten quite harsh around the country for underage drunk drivers, and the last thing you need is to have to find an attorney in the middle of nowhere.

    Good luck and safe driving.


  4. #4

    Default How long do you have?

    I plugged in the destinations you gave and the round trip is about 7,800 miles. Averaging 5 or 6 hours of driving a day this alone will take you 20 days. There are so many wonderful places to visit out west. I'll name a few and all have great hiking trails!

    Carlsbad Caverns, NM

    Canyon de Chelly National Monument, AZ
    Grand Canyon Natinonal Park, AZ

    Mesa Verde Natinonal Park, CO
    Rocky Mountain National Park, CO

    Arches National Park, Utah
    Canyonlands National Park, Utah
    Captiol Reef National Park, Utah
    Bryce National Park, Utah
    Zion National Park, Utah

    Glen Canyon National Recreational Area Utah - Arizona Border
    Monument Valley Tribal Park, Utah - Arizona Border

    Yosemite National Park, CA
    Lassen National Park, CA

    Glacier National Park, Montana

    Yellowstone National Park, WY
    Devils Tower National Monument, WY

    Mt. Rushmore National Monument, South Dakota
    Badlands National Monument, South Dakota

    Check out the National Parks web site to get more information on all these wonderful places to visit:

    If you had the time I would plan at least 6 weeks for this trip and the more time you had the better.


  5. #5


    I've got some friends who did a trip last summer down the east coast and then across the south of the country, throug Mexico to California, so they have some good experiences and suggestions for places in Mexico to go (they said that the part in Mexico was one of the most fun parts). And yes we definitely won't be doing any drunk driving, or even drinking at all. We're out to have fun, not get ourselves arrested. Thanks for the advice on Canada too. We were actually considering doing the first half of the northern leg through Canada, so I'll look into that a bit more.

    Thanks again for your help.

  6. #6

    Default time for the trip

    We really have about as much time as we want to take, the only real constraint being the amount of money we have to spend (or rather want to spend). I'm really interested in seeing some of those parks around the country. I've been to a few already (Olympic National Park, Mesa Verde, Yellowstone, Glacier, Acadia, Carlsbad Caverns, and Glen Canyon), and would be interested in seeing some again and visiting new ones.

    Anyway, if you have any idea how much it would cost per person per day if we are sleeping in tents and not eating out much at all, that would be very helpful.


  7. Default Vancouver...

    Here's a great idea that I meant to try back in '98, but had to give up on due to time constraints.

    Seattle to Vancouver, BC

    Vancouver to Jasper National Park, AB

    Jasper to Banff National Park, AB

    Banff to Calgary, AB

    Time it right and you'll get to Calgary for the Stampede, which I'm told will give you all stories to tell your grandchildren.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Pancake Breakfasts at Stampede

    Stampede is a hoot. Lots of amazing parties, great rodeo and a little-known factoid --- just about every neighborhood hosts a pancake breakfast one day during stampede. While these are oriented to local neighbors -- anyone who wishes to eat is welcome. It is possible to enjoy great (FREE) food and wonderful Canadian hospitality every day during the week-long celebration.

    Plus the Canadian Rockies have to be seen in person. Much more rugged than their cousins in the lower 48 states. Lake Louise is pretty special too.

  9. #9

    Default cost

    so does anyone have any idea of the daily cost per person excluding gas and other car costs if we are sleeping in a tent?

  10. Default

    If you're camping most nights, and EXCLUDING car costs, that pretty much leaves food and entertainment.

    Being that you are 'underage' and you won't be doing 'any drinking', you should be able to keep your food costs down by shopping in supermarkets and cooking on a campstove or grill.

    The only thing that you may not be accounting for is how uncomfortable camping can be in the deep south in the summertime. It often remains hot and humid all night across the south until you get into west Texas. We were at a campground in Tyler, TX once in the middle of summer. 85 degrees, 95 percent humidity, and that was at MIDNIGHT! (Call me what you will, but I totally bailed out! Took the car keys and found a motel in the middle of the night.)

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