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  1. #1
    BrysonMaxwell00 Guest

    Default Looking for some help

    I am currently a senior, and at our school we dont really have a senior trip. so, me and my friends decided we were gonna take a road trip. I dont want to spend summer gone. A week or so on the road. How far could we get from oklahoma and back and what cool stuff could we see? any input would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    BrysonMaxwell00 Guest

    Default Looking for some help

    I am currently a senior, and at our school we dont really have a senior trip. so, me and my friends decided we were gonna take a road trip. I dont want to spend summer gone. A week or so on the road. How far could we get from oklahoma and back and what cool stuff could we see? any input would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Default Trip Ideas

    You're best off heading into either Arizona or Colorado via New Mexico, or going southwest into Texas.

    There are numerous National Parks, National Monuments, State Parks, and other reserved lands in each of those states. A week to ten days would give you enough time to spend exploring some of the areas you enter.

    Good luck and safe driving, and being that you are all under 21, be extra careful. Getting in trouble can be alot worse for you when you're not in your home state.

    Trust me on that.


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