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  1. #1
    P and J Guest

    Default Two girls driving from LA to NY!!!!

    We are two girls from Denmark planning a roadtrip in the spring/summer of 2003!! we need some advice on some things.....????
    1. We are looking for an inexpensive car in LA whcih we can sell again in NY...any idea how much money we should plan on spending???? and where we should look?
    2. any advice on things to see on the way?? we do not have a route planned yet,so we are open to any suggestions!!!!
    3. We are planning to spend about a week in NY and about a day in the major cities on the way... how long wil the trip approximately take? we have no idea....!
    Thanx a lot!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Tips Page

    To get started you might want to look at our Tips page for International visitors <a href=""></a>
    and consider purchasing Andrew Vincent's book "Drive USA" -- he provides invaluable information about all of the queries you raised in your post.

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