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Thread: I need help

  1. #1
    8 Friends Guest

    Default Help Please

    I'm planning a road trip from SW Virginia, Down the East Coast, Across texas to Pheonix, Baha, Las Vegas, Oregon, Mid-West, and Back Via Nashville. How long do you think this will take. We're palnning on 3 cars, 8 friends, and a little cash. We want to drive so we can pull off and see the sites, spend a day in eachg city. We're 18 and are graduating this summer. What do you suggest. We have 2 months to do this in. We need to know the sites, people, strange places, and HOW MUCH MONEY!!????

  2. #2
    Youngblood Guest

    Default Money

    Money is not a problem if you know how to get it. If you start out with a full tank of gas and stop in a town when you need more then you will be fine. You see, most places have work-a-days that you can work and get paid for the day. You will make at least $40 for the day and that should cover the cost of your gas and food. Worst case you could go to a gas station and ask for help if you run out of gas; you wont believe the people who will help you. Best wishes and safe travels.

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