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  1. #1
    omar Guest

    Default Heading out again cross country.

    I'll be going from CA to FLA in late December and back again. I will be planning to stay at KOA's(first time) most of the time just have a break from the motel nonsense. So I have never stayed at a KOA and dont plan to use a tent(will have one just in case) but sleep in my truck(quad cab). Is there anything I should be aware of about KOA's? Do they take credit cards?

    Also I will be packing a small military mess kit and a camp stove so any ideas about items I can pack in a small cooler would help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default No Sleeping in your truck

    KOA's as general rule do not allow anyone to sleep in a private vehicle unless it is a RV.

    Yes, they accept credit cards and yes they do have little cabin-like things for those who don't have either a tent or RV but they tend to be much more expensive than good quality motel rooms without the amentities.

    If you use a tent -- cost is around $10/night the cabins are about $45/night.

    Public Campgrounds are generally a much better deal -- check, county, regional, corps of engineers, etc.

  3. #3
    omar Guest

    Default Different story...

    Did a lot of searching around and found no specific rules saying you cannot sleep in your vehicle,even if that vehicle is not a RV. I also contacted KOA directly and they said that there should be no problem with sleeping in a Quad Cab truck. But to check with the individual sites that I will be staying at as each is run independently of the other.

  4. #4
    Brent Guest


    If u plan on staying at KOA more then a few times you can buy a KOA card for 30 dollars i think and get 10% off each stay?? Something like that, it saved me a bunch cause some of them can run upwards of 25-30 dollars just for a tent the closer to big national parks you get.

  5. #5

    Default KOA's

    We stay at KOA's when we are doing a long days drive and just want to make time on the road, we don't think of them as a camping destination. We have an RV but I wouldn't think that the KOA would have a problem with you sleeping in the truck. You will want to bring a good sleeping bag because it get's cold in the winter even in the south west states.

    The KOA's have hot showers, bathrooms, usually a little camp store, & most have swimming pools. I always use a charge card to pay for camping at KOA's so that shouldn't be a problem. If you are going to be using the KOA a lot then I agree with the other poster that recommended buying the KOA Discount Card. Also, at your first KOA you can pick up a KOA Directory so you know where all the other KOA's are.

    You don't need to pack to much in a cooler because you will be driving by a lot of grocery stores and can get what you need almost daily if you had to. Drinks, fruit, carrots, lunch meats, milk. Keep things simple.


  6. #6
    Jennifer Bianchi Guest

    Default koa is my friend...

    I have been on the road for 3 months now and campgrounds are my best friends. If you want to broaden your selection of campgrounds, buy a woodalls directory of campgrounds. It gives prices, directions, and tells you all the necessary info about each location along with whether or not they are open during each particular season.

    As for KOAs, we sleep in our van and haven't had a problem. The KOA value card will cost you $10 and you get a free KOA directory with it. The card will get you 10% off... it doesn't sound like much, but it adds up fast. A 'tent' site (no hookups) will cost at least $15. Kabins can be quite expensive and only have beds, no bathrooms. Restrooms are usually quite clean and will have hot showers. Bring extra blankets in addition to your sleeping bag. Its cold out there!

    As for the cooler. Its always good to have a small bottle of milk. Keep cereal and crackers handy. CupO'Soups are a good quick meal. Pancake mix only requires H20. Carrots, celery, and a jar of peanut butter make for great snacks.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
    omar Guest

    Default Thanks for the tips

    I have done several CC trips but this will be the first camping trip. Back to food. I am taking a small propane camp stove and a mess kit. What would anyone recommend would be easy cooking from items picked up at a Grocery store. Sounds silly but can you actually cook soup in the can after you peel the lable off?

    I'd rather avoid the MRE thing but if anyone has ever eaten MRE's and has an opinion on them, I'd like to see it.

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