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  1. #1
    thenry Guest

    Default Atlanta-Denver-SanJose-Grand Canyon- Dallas- Ft. Lauderdale

    We want to take our FIRST road trip across cross in the beginning of October. We have friends to stay with and visit for a few days in these cities but would also like to scenic areas & things and take the best route (don't mind SOME highways). We would like to do this trip in the most economical way not interested it taking too many toll roads. How long would it take and mileage round trip? We are open for suggestions and ideas.

  2. #2


    it sounds like the first thing you need to do is go out and buy a good atlas. the internet has good info but you will want an actual physical map to look at. sit down and study it, make notes of things you may want to see. look things up on the internet and mark them on your map. if you are looking for economical, toll roads are the least of your worries. lodging and gas and food are what you should consentrate on. assuming you are not in an rv, for cheap lodging, you can try hostels or tent camping in rv parks/ranches or state parks. some travel centers/truck stops offer coin operated showers and laundry.
    for food, try alternating restaurants with stopping at grocery stores and getting things like breakfast bars and peanut butter sandwich fixings. don't forget your vegies and fruit. eating on the road sometimes lacks in the nutrition area.

  3. #3

    Default How much time do you have?

    Knowing how much time you have to travel and how long you plan on staying at these cities will help me give you ideas.

    There is so much to see and do out in the west. You are going to be traveling at least 6,000 miles so I hope you have the time to really see places.


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