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  1. #1
    eli Guest

    Default inexperienced driver seeks suggestions

    I'm a native New Yorker who just never bothered learning to drive. (I've had my license for approximately a decade though!) I'm thinking about taking a short (about a week) roadtrip by myself this summer because it is something I have always wanted to do and I actually have the time now.

    Does anyone have suggestions for what roads would be best for an inexperienced driver looking to learn while doing? I can fly into anywhere and just rent a car. I'm also female, if that factors into safety considerations at all.

  2. #2
    Carol I. Picciolo Guest

    Default Road Trip

    Hi! I know where I would travel...Vermont and New Hampshire! I have always wanted to drive along the back roads and state routes of these two states and haven't yet. Of course, this is just a suggestion! But if I wanted a vacation to drive around looking at scenery, these two states would be my destination.

  3. #3
    dana Guest

    Default adirondaks

    hey hey, I am from Western NY. Somewhere close to home you could go is the Adirondaks. Its really large and absolutely gorgeous. The roads are well kept and not insanely busy or anything. There is tons of cheap camping at state parks too. you could also travel into Vermont and New Hampshire from there.

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