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  1. #1
    Julia Guest

    Default NY-CA: northern or southern route?

    Hello anyone who reads this.

    I am embarking on yet another road trip adventure with a friend in about a week from New York City to San Francisco. We have not decided as of yet whether we want to go the Northern or Southern route. We are primarily interested in seeing beautiful nature. I have been throughout the Southwest before and love it for that reason. I'm wondering whether it'll be too damn hot to go through the southwest at this time of year (we want to do this on a limited budget so we want to camp), although i know it does tend to be dry heat and get much cooler at night. so this leads us to consider a northern route- my only question with this route being tackling getting through the biggie-- Montana. I know that Montana is a beautiful state-- does anyone have any suggestions for the most scenic route through Montana and/or through Idaho/Washington/Oregon?? I have never been to the Pacific Northwest, so i'd want to do it right. anyone know of cool Canadian routes to take that aren't too far from the border?? I would appreciate any suggestions!

    Julia (and Annie)

  2. #2
    Brent Guest


    Hey Julia,
    I just took my first trip cross country this summer from Oregon to CT and ended up going through the central part of the country...Im heading back to Oregon in late august and am taking the northern route because i think it really is the nicest place around...well not PA, OH, etc, but once u get to north dakota it seems great...Id really suggest going to the pacific northwest...Ive been in CT my whole life but go to school in Oregon now and just love it out there...Idaho, WA and OR have a ton of stuff to see, im still far from exploring oregon after a year of sightseeing...The Oregon coast is a great place to check out as well as the Cascade mountain range with Hood, Rainier and st. Helens...Hope that can help, anyways thats what im going to do...But i still need to know if going north of the great lakes is worht it? or is it going to take to long? cause i just hate driving through PA and Ohio...Good luck!


  3. #3
    onur Guest

    Default north or southern route

    hey you two:

    I recommend taking the northern route this time of year. It is way too hot in the south. I don't know how reliable your car is, but depending on that i would make my decision. If you have something new and AC take the southern route--go RT. 66, stop in Flagstaff arizona, hit New mexico, Colorado, nevada is beautiful no matter the fact that no one lives there. but if oyu want big sky--i mean real big sky go north young ladies...

    i've done the east west route about 14 times and have taken basically every road possible....either way you go you won't be disappointed.
    cheers and safe travels.

  4. #4
    imported_Darrell Guest


    I agree. Take the northern or central route. When I went west from Wisconsin, I went by way of Boulder/Denver and Salt Lake City, then north to Seattle. The main reason was the wild fires that year (2000) in western Montana and northern Idaho. Also, I had fewer people to visit up that way. Well, there are just fewer people there, period.

    Have fun!!

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