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Thread: campsite costs

  1. #1
    imported_Susan Guest

    Default campsite costs

    Hi again.

    I am trying to work out various budgets for my two-month cross-country trip. Does anyone know the average costs for staying at a campground? I know there are different levels such as National and State, as well as private. I also know there are free campgrounds. Are these any better or worse than the ones that charge admission? Any tips on campgrounds for a first-timer would be appreciated. At this point I would probably be tenting, but it's possible too that I might be renting a camper. I don't know if that makes a difference in the price. Thanks to all of you experts!

  2. #2

    Default Wel..

    In texas National is about 20/night, site with water and electricity and 12 for State Park (avg) with water and elect.

  3. #3
    tara Guest


    Oregon state parks range from about $5 (primitive campsites) to $15 ( electricity, bathrooms) a night. Private campgrounds usually charge $15 to $20 a night. You can get a state park permit that'll give you admittance to all state parks for $50 for a one-year permit. I think you might be able to get a short-term (like a month) permit for cheaper, but I'm not sure.

  4. #4
    Jennifer Bianchi Guest

    Default just a suggestion...

    You might want to consider purchasing a camping guide called "WOODALL'S: The Campground Directory For North America 2002." You can probably find it at the local bookstore and it will run you about $20; or swing by any KOA campground ( ) and pick up one of their camping guides. I've found that the average cost of campgrounds runs around $25 - $30 for two people. Usually these facilities provide showers, flush toilets, rec. rooms, etc. The guides listed above will give you detailed information on each specific campground. Good Luck.

  5. #5
    Larry Y Guest

    Default Free campgrounds

    Here is a website that provides info on free (or cheap) campgrounds in the western US.

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