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  1. #1
    Dave B. Guest

    Default people who need oxygen tanks

    Having recently retired, my wife and I would like to make some road trips. My Brother in law and Sister would like to travel with us. PROBLEM: He uses oxygen tanks to assist his breathing. His supplier has no helpfull information on how or where we might be able to get more tanks or even a refill away from home. We can haul about ten tanks (without an awful lot of luggage) this allows us to go about four tanks away and four back (as he likes to have some reserve, just in case).
    Maybe some of the more road wise travelers out there know of a way we can go farther? They (actually all of us) would be very happy to find out how we could leave the state as they have been "home-bound" for quite awhile.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Abbey Rents or other Rental shops

    Nearly every major city has a rental company (like Abbey Rents in California) that provide the gear and equipment to enable medically-challenged individuals to enjoy life. I would think that you could contact the supplier in your home town and set up a will-call for oxygen tanks at some of the destination cities.

    Failing that -- find out the suppliers for the hospitals in the areas you will be traveling to -- and then contact the supplier's home offices to arrange for a will-call program.

    Let us know, if this doesn't work.


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