Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Don Woodmancy Guest

    Default Alaska in September

    I'm going to do about nine days in Alaska in early September. My initial thought is to take the Anchorage-Seward train with a couple of days in Seward then use a pickup-camper and do about six days of road-tripping, starting and ending in Anchorage where I drop off the camper. Anyone have any suggestions for must-see places within that kind of intinerary?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Eagles Galore in Haines

    Well, it is a bit of a stretch to reach Haines, (near Skagway) but if you did find you path heading there -- go look up Bill Zack. Bill is the chief ranger for the Bald Eagle sanctuary.

    No experience trippin in the area -- our last trip there was by boat.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default NSBO Project

    The National Scenic Byways Online project has prepared a comprehensive guide for the route between Seward and Anchorage. Reviewing it just now, makes me want to join you on your vacation! Check out


  4. #4
    Ellen Guest

    Default Lots to see on the Kenai Peninsula

    Well 9 days is never enough to see Alaska, but if you dont mind being a road warrior I would suggest stopping off on a few of the hikes just outside of Seward. Hitting Exit glacier, then head to Homer "the end of the road" on the Kenai Peninsula. I love Homer is a great place to visit and explore. Similar to Seward in that its a fishing meca of the Peninsula as is the Kenai River, but Homer is absolutely beautiful, camping on the spit that looks out over Kachamack Bay (sp)breath taking. There are so many stops along the way I couldnt even describe them thing to do is get the Alaska Guide Post. Very informative and a good guide to some very cool spots. Have fun!

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