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  1. #1
    Alona Guest

    Default need to see the country but work too!

    Hi, my husband and I would love to see the country from the road. We have a van, tent and one dog. Problem is, we need some kind of way to earn money along the way. If we wait to save enough, we'll be too old! (not really but it seems that way). We are laid off right now and I am tired of forging ahead only to fall behind during our industries regular lay-offs and see our dreams fall farther behind. I have seen the workampers website but it seems to be mostly rv'rs or long term. Any other ideas? Thanks!

  2. #2
    imported_the dude Guest


    I don't know what type of work you are into, but one way to travel and work is by working at fairs. There are plenty of decent things to sell without being a carnie, and you can always go to a different place every weekend, even year-round. Another option is to work in promotions, but that may be difficult with a dog unless you are self-employed.
    The Dude

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