Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Yulia Guest

    Default Need Help

    My friend and I are planning to stay in a camp for about a week or so. But we have some hesitations..Is it safe to stay for two girls in a campsite? Or is it better to stay in hostels?

  2. #2
    gene monto Guest



  3. #3
    Nomad Guest

    Default Depends...

    At which campsite are you planning to stay? I have met many solo women hikers who hike thousands of miles without trouble. It all depends on the type of person you are. If you are the immature, make-up wearing typical womanly woman, then you might want to stay at a hostel, but personally, I would be more scared of the people who stay at hostels, then other hikers in the woods. Either way, bring Mace...

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