Hi! I'm planning for an adventure with my fiance this summer, leaving from NYC May 25, and then working our way down the east coast, Durham NC, to Orlando to New Orleans to Houston to McAllen then we head out for Santa Fe to Vegas to LA to San Fransisco, to Eugene OR to Seattle---then to Cedar Rapids, Iowa home to Chicago for a rest and then back to NY end of July. This trip is partially bussiness and partially a chance to visit friends and family. We are taking our original children's theatre show Just Close Your Eyes on the road ( we only have bookings in Hoston , Eugene, and Seattle as of now). Everyone thinks I must be crazy...but I have this deep feeling that I'm supposed to take this trip. Has anyone out there gone on a similar adventure just following their spirit? Looking for some general advice? And some realistic budget projections...trying to stay under $3,000.00 for the two of us (almost all lodging accounted for staying with friends and family in all but 2 cities) Need food, gas, tolls, maintance, film...I'm sure I have a million questions, if you've taken this or similar trips drop me a line, thanks!