Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Paige Guest

    Default What vehicle to use?

    I'm planning a road trip for August '02 from Connecticut to Nevada (yes, Burning Man), and I'm undecided on what vehicle I should use. I'm mainly concerned about reliability, which is why I may leave my '90 escort wagon (74k miles) at home. I think it could make it if I put in a new tranny before leaving, but I've considered buying a mid-90s Toyota or Honda. Please lend opinions!

  2. #2
    94sc2boy Guest

    Default buy the honda!

    buy the honda, you dont' want to be stuck in a ford, the honda will cost more to repair, but it won't break down, so no worries

  3. #3
    Paige Guest


    Thanks, it's decided now, Honda it is. The peace of mind will be worth its weight in gold!

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