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  1. #1
    Volvo Mike Guest

    Default Honeymoon Roadtrip advise please

    Hey all,
    I'm planning on a road trip for my honeymoon this summer. Problem is I have no idea where to go. I'll be starting out from Chicago, and was thinking New Orleans might be a good first stop. From there who knows. I've always wanted to go to Key West, But Texas looks inviting as well. I'm sure there are countless other alternatives that I haven't thought off. Anyone got any suggestions? Thanks

  2. #2

    Default Honeymoon trip

    You are sure looking at hot sticky places. Would be great for spring. . The coastal highway of Ca. is beautiful

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default #2 & #3?

    What are the #2 and #3 most preferred activities you have in mind for experiencing on this road trip? Road eats, hot springs, diving, hiking, boating, etc? Once the parameters are known -- perhaps we will have some ideas for you.

  4. Default N'Orleans in the summer?

    Do you know how hot it gets there? The word humid was coined there!! Why not the Rockies? It is about as far and you could always be corny(women LOVE corny) and say you would climb the highest Mt for her!! Of course don't tell her the tallest one is in Ca near Death Vally!!

  5. #5


    We went from Milwaukee out west and back in two weeks for our honeymoon. Stopped at Bad Lands, Custer National Park, Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Pike's Peak (CO) and then returned home. Great trip!!!!!

  6. #6
    Nickie Guest

    Default honeymooning across america

    I am getting married May 31, 2003 and planning a road trip for two weeks. We are planning on driving from Boston to San Fran and then fly back! Hopefully renting an suv... Does anyone have any ideas for us.. we really want to make this special for our honeymoon and would love to travel on some backroads!

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