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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Have you ever seen "Indian Tunnel"?

    One of our long-term e-correspondents sent a query about a highway tunnel he saw as a child. Have any of you ever seen this place: From Bob Brown: "...I have a question on some highway tunnels that are possibly located on
    Highway 66. In August, 1953, my family and I traveled Route 66
    eastbound from California to Ohio. In August, 1958, my family and
    drove west on the same route to return to central California. On the
    first occasion - when I was 4 - I recalled a twin highway tunnel with
    a fire department located between the two tunnels. On the second
    occasion - I could read now - I recalled seeing "Indian Tunnel" over
    the westbound tunnel. Do you have any idea where that might be? I have
    consulted numerous sites on Route 66 and have never found any

    Hope someone recognizes this!


  2. #2
    Don Woodmancy Guest

    Default Indian Tunnels

    Mark - Thanks for the heads up on this question. Not only have I never seen them, I can't imagine where on Rt 66 they might have been. There are twin tunnels on I-70 in Clear Creek County west of Denver. The Eisenhower Tunnels are fairly recent (within the last 30 years) and there are service facilities at both ends and in the middle. Other than that, I have no idea.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Goldroad Mine?

    The following message was sent from one of our expert roadtrippers, (Jo Wonders ):
    I tried to find the tunnel that you are referring to...I don't personally recall the tunnel.
    I looked through my albums and the only thing I found that might be what Bob Brown might have seen....there is a place called Goldroad Mine in Oatman,Arizona where
    you walk under Rte 66....I hope this is what he is looking for...

  4. Default Is he sure he wasn't in Penn?

    His description reminds me of a tunnel on the Pennsylvannia Turnpike. I know that is east of Ohio, but I know I sometimes confuse things from my childhood . Maybe it has something to do with how darn old I am?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Do you have an idea?


    Do you know of any way we can follow your lead and find this tunnel you remember?


  6. Default Maybe?

    Mark, I have been trying to get current pictures of the tunnels that are in use. But about all I can find are pistures of the abandoned 2 lane tunnels. I did find one of the Allegheny Tunnel that looks similar to what I remembered. However it does not have a Fire Station there now. The url is I am still trying to find pictures of the other tunnels.
    Bob Miller

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Turnpike URL

    Thanks for the on-going posts. I tried to follow the Turnpike link, but it wouldn't load. I tried to find the photos on the site but unable to do it. Could you check the URL again?


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