My beau and I are gearing up for a road trip next summer. We live in Vancouver, WA and are heading east. First stop is Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Then continuing east to Nebraska, north to North Dakota and Canada, west to Waterton Park, back into the US through northern Idaho and then back home. Anyone has any specific points of interest we should see along the way??? I am on a quest to see all 50 states before I turn 50. I'm 41 and have seen 41 states so far including Alaska and Maine. Nebraska and ND are two I have not yet been to so that was the whole original purpose of the trip. August 2000 we went to Glacier in Montana and thought it was awesome so we now want to see the Canada side of this magnificent park. And as it turns out, my beau's grandfather was from ND. So we are making a stop there for geneology purposes. Looking for other ideas. We love waterfalls, state parks, hiking, scenery and history. Thanks bunches!