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Thread: Oregon Outback

  1. #1
    Lawrence Guest

    Default Route advice from Seattle to Phoenix?

    I'll be driving down to Phoenix from Seattle as the last portion of a permanent move down there. I could take I-5 and limit the time of the trip. However, I'd rather take my time and enjoy the sights. What I really need is advice on the best scenic route to take. I've heard 101/Route 1 is a beautiful drive along the coast. But I haven't heard anything about a more eastern route through central oregon, nevada, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Outback is memorable


    There is little doubt that the 101 and coastal rout is pretty great. But if you are interested in doing some exploring, I would recommend the eastern route.

    The Pendelton Woolen Mills has a tour that you are not going to believe. Just keep your hands at your side! Enterprise and Joseph are home to some of the best foundries in the world. Also very friendly deer in Wallowa Park. If you vehicle is game I suggest taking the route over the pass and into Hell's Canyon and then follow state route 71 to US-95. One of our favorite developed hotspring resorts is in Weiser.

    If you elect to head south sooner, I would recommend a trip to Bend and the Three Sister area. Along that route on State Rte 31 -- be sure and take a memorable soak in the Summer Lake Hot Springs, ( there is a story about our visit in the main website.) Lakeview is the world HQ for hangliding.

    Nevada -- so much to find. Virginia City near Reno and Ely near Idaho are too places you should not miss ( maybe not on the same trip)

    Lake Mead, Las Vegas and then on to Flagstaff and Phoenix.


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