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  1. #1
    John Holod Guest

    Default Nokia to PC or WebTV ?

    I've been looking everywhere for a hook up from my Nokia to my PC. In additation I"m also looking for a hook-up from my Nokia to my WebTV. No dice! No way to hook-up a plain old phone jack to a Nokia cell phone? Is that so hard ? There must be other people out there who need this same connection.

    Any ideas ?

    John Holod

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default What is your goal?


    >I've been looking everywhere for a hook up from my Nokia to my PC.

    1. It is time we found your solution. It will help if you can tell me which Nokia handset you are using.

    2. Nokia does make some cables that will allow handsets to be connected to PC's. But that may not solve all of your problems.

    additation I"m also looking for a hook-up from my Nokia to my WebTV. No dice!

    3. What are you hoping to do that would require this? It is unlikely that a .6 watt handset can handle the power requirements needed to receive and transmit WebTV signals.

    >No way to hook-up a plain old phone jack to a Nokia cell phone?

    4. Again, what are your goals for wanting this connection? I may have some ideas, but I really need to understand what you will be using this connection for...

    Road Wirer

  3. #3
    Steve Guest

    Default More Dialogue --WebTV

    Mark, my name is Steve Sharp, and I've been helping John Holod with his web site,
    the sound on his videos, and various other odds and ends. He stopped by here
    yesterday on his way to do shows in Montana and Canada, and I sat down in his
    motorhome and forwarded some of his WebTV mail to myself

    Basically, John just wants to be able to send and recieve email on the road, and
    maybe do a little web surfing from time to time. WebTV allows him to do this, but
    only if he runs a phone line out to somebody's jack. Not so great. He does have a
    desktop PC in the motorhome, and I was wondering if one of the wireless modems
    designed for a laptop might work. I guess he would have to install a PCMCIA slot
    in his desktop to accomplish this...what do you think of that option?

    RW: The two primary problems with all wireless equipment (as far as surfing the web) are the size of the pipeline, (handling the data transfer) and the locations of the cell/satellite/RF transmitters/receivers.

    RW: Currently it is relatively easy to obtain text-only messaging data from both analog and digital networks. A number of devices, both PC and hand-held, can accomplish this, however, top speed (with the exception of certain key geographic areas that utilize LAN-RF systems like Richochet which can approach 19.2K) is 14.4 Kbps

    > Another way to go would be for him to simply buy a laptop and outfit it with a
    wireless modem, but he's resistive to that idea...seems he's had bad luck with
    laptops in the past. Too delicate for his rough and tumble lifestyle, no doubt.

    RW: We have lived in off-road environments and driven nearly 140,000 miles in a very rough and tumble life using exclusively laptops. Desktop PC's are more likely to experience damage than laptops unless they have been hardened.

    The third option would be to see if WebTV could be made to interface with his
    Nokia cell phone somehow. I know nothing about this area, but it sounds like it
    might work. Why would the WebTV box "see" a cellular connection as any different
    from a wall jack with dial tone? Any thoughts?

    RW: Using a motorola 1936D "black box" interface in conjuction with a analog cell phone, John could reach the web with his WebTV set-up but it would be at a top speed of 9.6 Kbps. The biggest problem with this is that the WebTV box may not be able to accomodate this lower speed.

    RW: Phone lines are much easier to obtain than in past years. Truck stops allow access in most cafes, many RV parks have over-night instant hook-ups, Kinkos, etc.

    RW: There are solutions that allow 100% wireless access in many areas of the US -- but they are expensive to operate. Does John have a budget that he would like to meet in this regard?

    Thanks for the updates!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Dish Network & Web-TV


    I don't know if you are still looking, but I recall that Dish Network has a deal with WEb-Tv that would enable you to use web tv.

    There are interfaces with some Nokia phones. Check out the website for more information.


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