This forum is a great font of information and I’m really enjoying looking around.
My 18 year old niece and a friend are taking a pre-college road trip from L.A to Graceland for 10 days in late July. I’m going along as the car and the credit card. The trip out is the girls’ dream, so they are doing the trip planning for that part. Their route is L.A., Flagstaff, Albuquerque, Amarillo, Oklahoma City, Little Rock (2 nights at friends’), Memphis, Nashville (2 nights) and St. Louis (also with friends). From St. Louis, they’ll fly home and I’ll drive back (my trip home will be another thread eventually).
How does the itinerary look? Any interesting small towns for us to stay in overnight instead of these bigger cities? We plan to find motels along the way, but I’m leaning towards having reservations in advance for Memphis and Nashville. Advice on that would be appreciated.
Our plan is to try to get on the road early most days – with me taking the morning drive so they can catch some more teenaged shut eye if they want. They’ll do as much of the rest of the driving as possible, although one of the girls will be learning to freeway drive as we go. I saw the teenage road trip thread here, and I’d appreciate any other tips on teaching freeway/long-distance driving or suggestions on stretches of road that will be less crowded for her to start on. My plan is to start her for short distances (half an hour-ish) and see how it goes. I think this is the part of the trip I’m most worried about!
Can’t wait to hear your ideas . . .